The guy who gets fragged by his own guys as war hero.

Year-end thoughts about modern Right wing masculinity and the USA.
Fox News-fascist-wannabe fake image ruined by ten words of truth.

I am posting a day after Texas’ RWT AG/MAGAt Ken Paxton announced that his office would involve itself in a case and use their authority to force a woman to carry a nearly-dead fetus. Even though the unborn child will die while still in the womb or shortly after being born, Porky’s family-values sociopaths want to deny the abortion. This not only puts the mother’s life at risk, it inflicts unnecessary cruelty on her mental health. Paxton has threatened to prosecute medical staff if they assist as well.


I’m not convinced he can answer this question. Doesn’t seem like a thinker. Just another Rush Limbaugh or JD Vance in the party owned by Donald Trump. Einsatzgruppen-smirks on their insecure faces.

Also, the Right wing has declared lawfare on Joe Biden since the cases against Trump are going forward. The courts are being used to harass the son Hunter Biden, with the goal of triggering a relapse. A human’s addiction is being weaponized against his father in retaliation for the prosecution of Bonespurs’ actual crimes.

A few years ago, I wrote a blog post about this Tucker Carlson bullshit and titled it Micro-aggression gone masculine. Circling this whole thought back to Paxton and his chickenhawk Nazi-buddies in the Lone Star State, some 2A Trumpster from Texas responded with a braggadociously-cryptic comment saying that I’d better get ready. Why? A civil war was coming sure enough. But, as he put it, “a civil war in the courts.”

Reader of this post: I titled that post “Micro-aggression gone masculine.” and he threatened a “civil war in the courts.” And he was serious. Stupid people do not deserve your physical violence. Don’t hurt yourself attempting to injure them. When you choose non-violence, their self-hatred does the damage instead. Besides, they want to dial 911 anyway.

Speaking of lawfare, that’s my word for 2023.

Lawfare®. White-collar-whitepeople warfare.™

Here’s what some gatekeeper-bro in Hollywood needs to do in the coming year:

Greenlight an Aliens remake, only the character Carter Burke is the hero of the movie. I wrote about this idea a few years back and, as we head into 2024, the monetary potential from this sci-fi re-do seems more financially fantastic than ever.

When it comes to Ellen Ripley’s epic line about xenomorphs not fucking each other over for percentages, here’s what you do: since child labor is on the rise, capitalize on this trend by hiring some kid for pennies. Have the cheaply-paid lad prompt the AI script-writing machine to pen an equally-epic (though more late-stage-capitalism-friendly) version of Ripley’s words, a statement that Carter Burke would say.

Speaking of Carter Burke, we cast an AI Elon Musk as the actor.

“The obvious types of American fascists are dealt with on the air and in the press. These demagogues and stooges are fronts for others. The really dangerous American fascists are not those who are hooked up directly or indirectly with the Axis…a purposeful coalition among the cartelists, the deliberate poisoners of public information and those who stand for the KKK type of demagoguery.”
– Henry Wallace, Vice President to Franklin D. Roosevelt

Everyone: make sure that everyone you know is registered to vote. Everyone.

Riffing off of earlier posts:
• Bros: America’s new Jews. 
• Showers of gold.
• Jonas Salk. What a pussy.
• The Donald Trump Tax.
• Open letter to a selfie of my drunk-ass self, taken on August 11th, 2001.

I write fiction. I have two dark comedies available, Fearkiller (Volume 1) and Notes from Trillionaire Island: Fearkiller (Volume 2), as well as Revolutionizer Alpha, the first book in a sci-fi series. I also wrote a story about God. It was weird, but then I decided to make the story and its sequel free. And all of the sudden, it didn’t seem as weird. Writing about God is much less weird when you write about God without charging money for itHere’s my professional site, my trade.

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